S.m.r.t.e.r. Pripyat Download
Thank you for this brother.I've been looking at pics of SMRTER mod on their page and I really like it but then I saw it can't be downloaded.
Thanks for uploading this.
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I believe the pics in their moddb page are mostly related to version .45, not .41, still, Peter did an awesome job compiling and uploading the mod here, it took me a long time to find .41 alone :p
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Well, Smrter bassicaly just adds new scripts, many many weapons and sort of that, 0.41 is nothing compared with upcoming full version of Smrter 0.45, SGM also brings many new quests and stuff like that, so I would say that Geonezis is better, but I did this for the community so they can donwload this mod here and without many problems
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As long as Smrt doesn't mind it being done having an all in one of 0.41 is a good idea as it can be hassle finding and remembering all the patches needed.
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Wait,wait.Are they actually working on 0.45 or are you going to upload it?Sorry I'm a little confused at the moment.
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I am not the creator of the mod, so you must ask somewhere else, only thing I know, they are working on complete 0.45 version that brings aprox 30 new maps, items etc. and new storyline, I really dont know any more info, you can try here:
Reply Good karma+2 votes
Sorry to say but afaik, SMRTER 0.45 is dead. smrtphoneusr the developer had a graphics card/HDD (Sorry don't recall which one it was) crash a while back and ever since that development has halted. There used to be semi-regular video updates on his youtube channel but there have been no updates there for the past 2 years.
EDIT: link to his youtube channel
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First of all, thanks for your effort! But sadly, it doesnt work for me :( It crashes on start. I've got the GOG version with the latest patch, just dropped the gamedata folder into my installation directory and changed the fsgame.itx to true/true. Any idea what could cause the crash?
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Man, sorry I really dont know, I installed it months ago and I had no problem like you, try fresh installation of the game and mod after that. Otherwise I cannot help you as I am not the creator. But if you want to play with this awesome graphics, then install all things I merged in here in order if you want it working. :/ Install original Smrter, then Absolute texture packs, and then SweetFX done
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I have not used this mod, but if its anything similar too the issue on Arsenal Overhaul DO NOT play on DX9 or DX10 you have too use DX11 otherwise you will have issues, DX10 is no longer supported ever since DX11 showed up.
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Thank you so much; i couldn't download smrter pripyat until now because France had forbidden the downloads on filefront so i couldn't download it.
And thanks for the addons merged ;)
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this mod is not weapon addon, it adds tweaks and improved scripts and other enhancements, you are wrong here if you re looking for weapon arsenal :)
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First of all thanks for distributing this merge mod, it's really easy to use
That said, I'm wondering where all the smrter .41 stashes are, I've visited the stashes for the G36a and the Gewehr 43 and they weren't there
Do I need to download something else?
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Hey all!
I just downloaded the smrter merge mod. I wonder where the stashes with the weapons/armors are? Have they been removed?? I mean this small green boxes which were spread all over the zone and we all knew from original smrter 0.41.
Or do I have to download any weapon addon as in the description is written that its already onboard?!
Would be pleased for informations about that!
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I also can not figure out the stashes. I wonder if anyone knows how to solve this.
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This all in one version of SMRTER doesn't have the hidden stashes/green boxes!
It's NOT the SMRTER without it, as SMRTPHONEUSER was always making it a point to add new hidden stashes with every update.
The secret stashes are part of the fun of SMRTER Pripyat.
I need the latest(0.41?) version WITH stashes and extra weapons pack included.
Anyone know where I can download it?
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Posted by: badrenovieren02.blogspot.com
Source: https://www.moddb.com/games/stalker-call-of-pripyat/downloads/genezisos-smrter-pripyat-041-all-in-one-pack